My Happy Place

Barsha Didwania
2 min readApr 7, 2023

A sense of assurance that eventually things will fall into place and you will be more than fine. It's a state of mind which makes you calm, happy, and at complete ease.

The last I felt this is when I was in Kannur, Kerala for New Year's.

The clean and calm beach with the shades of the sky changing from orange to hot pink, and the clouds were seen in ever-changing colors as the sunsets. The word beautiful is an understatement to describe how it felt at that moment.
Just sitting there and living every moment with that sunset helps you reflect on how far you have come and how brave you are. For me taking that trip with 8 strangers was the real deal. To be able to enjoy that sunset after that drive made me feel courageous, and I think that feeling of being courageous and being by myself there at the beach was a happy place.
If I go back in time, another incident that gave me a sense of happy place was when I reached the finish line of my first 10K run. The tears in my eyes were a pat on my back to be able to be that courageous and so happy to just feel that victory. The emotion was simply “ I did it, and I didn’t give up”. I created that feeling for myself and nothing make me feel any less than what I felt. It gave me a sense of normalcy, connection, and safety, and again that for me was a happy place.

I felt more assured, or I might say accepted. Acceptance, as you might imagine, is where the power lies, there is a sense of control in acceptance. The only feeling it leaves you with is Gratitude.

